Welkom bij MaksiTaksi. Graag wil ik jullie laten zien wat ik maak. Ook komen op deze blog leuke dingen die ik elders op het www gezien heb of dingen die we hebben beleefd.
A very Welcome at MaksiTaksi. I started this blog to show you the things I've made. On this blog I also put some funny stuf I found on the www and things from our life.
All of my work (like photo's, artwork, text, ideas, crafts, patterns etc. ) represented here, and elsewhere is protected by copyright.
You are very welcome to use my patterns, tutorials, pdf's, if you are saying it comes from MaksiTaksi Design and you may use it only for personal use, but not for commercial use. Thank you!
Wat een lief en warm cadeautje!